Music and Dancing Rooms

The music program at SSMS prepares students to be musically aware, knowledgeable, literate, and involved - preparing them to be lifelong participants, learners and supporters of music. In class students are encouraged and enabled to express themselves musically and respond to music made by others. The goals of the SSMS music program include providing a strong foundation in music literacy, theory, history, performance and appreciation appropriate to each grade level.

Students achieve these musical goals through singing, rhythm activities, creative movement, playing instruments, and listening activities. The school provides opportunities for students to take part in Hindustani, Carnatic and Western musical activities including instrumental lessons, choir, and orchestra as part of after-school program.


SSMS dance program offers a combination of coordination, strength, flexibility and spatial awareness that are not only the basics for all other sports, but are also skills for life. The curriculum is designed to be progressive, safe, fun, and motivate boys & girls alike. Students are encouraged to strive for both individual and team performances.

A variety of dance forms including Indian and western dances are offered to all students from K-12. Instructional classes offered in both classical and contemporary dance forms include bharatnatyam, bollywood numbers, ballet, tap dance and folk dances from around the world. These dance classes also provide students with opportunities to learn about various world cultures through knowledge sharing and communication about dance as a form of expressive art.